Frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between cage-free and combination hen housing systems?

Combination systems (also known as "combi" or "convertible" systems) are hen housing systems intended to act as a hybrid between traditional battery cage systems and cage-free systems. Combination systems are not advised as an alternative to cage-free housing. 

They are typically multi-tiered sheds with cage structures and doors that, when closed, will restrict the free movement of birds and present the same problems that battery cages do. Even when doors are open, combination systems often include partitions within tiers and lack ramps between tiers, restricting the natural behavior of hens.

Well-known certification schemes, including Global Animal Partnership and Certified Humane, prohibit combination systems in their definition of “cage-free.” It is plausible that legislators will follow in future cage-free regulations. 

The best investment in hen housing systems is one that maximizes the long-term welfare potential of hens while minimizing reputational and regulatory risk, and combination systems simply don’t make the cut. Instead, when moving away from caged farming systems, producers and corporations should look toward future-oriented solutions that offer genuine improvements in animal welfare.

How will this affect the sale of eggs and egg products?

Customers care deeply about animal welfare and are more willing to pay for cage-free eggs than their conventional (i.e. cage) counterparts. 

One study from Rethink Priorities found that 63% of Americans would pay more for animal products produced using more humane methods. A survey on customers’ willingness to pay for cage-free eggs found that the mean premium customers would pay to go cage-free was $1.16 a dozen, demonstrating the value customers see in higher-welfare animal products. 

Customers also perceive a significant improvement in the food quality of cage-free eggs — research from Nutrition Insight suggests that customers judge cage-free eggs as safer, better-tasting, and more nutritious — all stemming from the increased health and welfare of the bird.

While cage-free eggs have, in the past, been more expensive to source than conventional cage eggs, this price difference has been reduced over time as economies of scale emerge. Mounting evidence suggests that the transition may be cheaper than initially expected, and may eventually cost no more than conventional eggs. For example, after California’s Proposition 12 was enacted, banning the in-state sale of eggs from hens in battery cages, egg prices quickly returned to the same level as they were before the legislation took effect

As the nationwide transition to cage-free continues, companies and consumers can expect to see more and more cage-free eggs offered at highly competitive prices. 

Is there sufficient supply of cage-free eggs in the US to meet our needs?

Yes. According to industry surveys, egg producers currently predict that by 2025 over 51% of the US egg-laying flock will be cage-free, and suppliers are rapidly shifting to accommodate demand.

Sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs is achievable, so long as companies set a reasonable timeline to transition and communicate this timeline with their suppliers.

How are other companies approaching cage-free conversions and timelines?

Thousands of companies worldwide have already committed to sourcing cage-free eggs. Often, the transition is implemented over the course of multiple years.

To do this, companies create "roadmaps" that feature yearly progress markers for the percentage of their total supply that is cage-free or better. In addition, they will report progress annually to keep track of their transition and keep stakeholders and customers informed.

How do state laws affect our cage-free status?

There is a strong global trend toward increased legislation banning battery cages. In the United States, progress has been rapid in the past ten years. Much like the EU, which has already banned the use of battery cages, 10 U.S. states have now issued bans on the use of these inhumane methods within the state, while eight states have issued bans on the sale of products derived from caged farming systems. Retailers, distributors, restaurants, and food service companies operating in these states must be prepared to meet these requirements, or else they risk criminal animal cruelty charges, civil fines, or imprisonment. More information can be found here.

Why is now the right time to go cage-free?

The best case for going cage-free is that all signs indicate it is the future of the food industry. Around the world, legislatures are banning the use of battery cages in farming, nonprofit groups are leading public awareness campaigns for change, and consumers and companies alike are committing to stop purchasing eggs laid by hens raised in inhumane environments.

In the United States, 10 states have already banned the production and/or sale of eggs from hens raised in battery cages, and the cage-free flock has grown from 3% to 38.8% over the past decade, largely as a result of customer demand and corporate commitments to supply cage-free eggs.

Getting ahead of the curve with this transition affords your company increased flexibility, as well as repetitional benefits from having made the right decision on your own terms.

Do cage-free systems have a higher mortality rate than battery cage systems?

This misconception that cage-free systems have higher mortality rates than caged systems is widespread and is often used by industry and animal rights groups alike to argue that cage-free welfare reforms are ineffective. This belief was based on early research that simply measured the mortality rates of birds immediately before and after the cage-free system was introduced. Some groups raised concerns that there would be more disease and conflict between birds in cage-free systems, leading to a higher percentage of the flock dying early.

However, new studies incorporating more evidence over a longer time frame show that mortality rates may, in fact, be identical between the two systems.

As of 2022, the largest analysis of commercial data on the morality of laying hens is a meta-analysis using data from 6040 commercial flocks and 176 million hens from 16 countries, published in Scientific Reports in 2021. In this research, the authors found that the short-term increase in mortality rate that accompanies transitioning to cage-free systems can be entirely averted as flock managers become more experienced with the new type of housing.  As such, mortality drops over time with adjustments in cage-free management systems and breed genetics, and in recent years, the authors found no difference in mortality between caged and cage-free systems.

But even beyond this myth, it is also crucial to recognize that mortality rates aren’t inherently reflective of the overall health, productivity, and well-being of hens. The primary motivations behind the shift to cage-free aren’t about mortality, but about the many ways in which cage-free systems limit the natural behaviors of hens and cause unnecessary suffering while they are alive. Egg-laying hens live for several years, and cage-free systems allow them to spend those years dust bathing, foraging, spreading their wings, and engaging in other natural behaviors.

How do cage-free systems impact egg quality?

Some assessments of egg quality in various housing systems have shown superior product quality for cage-free hens when compared to hens housed in battery cages.

A 2008 study from the Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science found that a “significant reduction in quality parameters was observed in eggs produced by laying hens under heat stress, mainly in the birds housed in cages.”

Similarly, a 2013 study from the Korean Journal of Poultry Science found mixed results across various dimensions, including egg weight, feed consumption, shell thickness, shape index, breaking strength, blood spots, albumen height, and shell thickness — ultimately, the authors concluded that cage-free systems “can replace the conventional cage without serious sacrifices on starting phase egg production.”

Another 2018 study found that exterior egg quality (the rate of dirty and cracked eggs) was superior in barn systems when compared to conventional cage systems. 

To further improve egg quality, producers should focus on making sure that the breed of their layers is well-suited to a cage-free environment, and providing other welfare-enhancing adjustments, including improving feed, lighting, and environmental enrichments. 

What happens if we miss our cage-free target?

We recommend sharing a roadmap to implement the cage-free transition seamlessly. This may require updating annual goals as necessary and sharing the underlying causes behind the adjustment. The more transparency in this process, the more consumers and partners can trust the sincerity of your commitment.

How are supply chain challenges or Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) affecting cage-free availability and cost?

In 2015, the growth of the cage-free flock in the United States began to speed up significantly, and since then, the country has made consistent year-on-year progress in transitioning away from battery cages — from about 5% cage-free in 2015 to 38.8% cage-free in November of 2023. 

While there have been subtle fluctuations in this growth, no doubt influenced by the broader economic landscape and the impact of HPAI, progress has still remained steady. The impacts that HPAI had on the cage-free flock were also seen with the caged flock, in approximately equal measure. 

In short, while the egg market and the broader economy have faced recent challenges, these challenges are present whether conventional or cage-free eggs are being sourced, and switching to cage-free is entirely possible as long as companies clearly communicate with their suppliers to establish a plan for transitioning.

Chart created by Samara Mendez, data available at

What do we need to transition: shell eggs, liquid eggs, or ingredient eggs?

Typically, a cage-free commitment involves transitioning the supply of all whole eggs, as well as other products that use eggs in any form. However, you may find that your timeline for transition looks different for different products. In this case, timelines and reporting may take the form of different progress trackers for individual product categories, in addition to an overall progress metric.

To successfully meet an overall cafe-free goal, it is important that companies discuss each type of egg product with suppliers and ensure that a plan is in place for all food products that incorporate eggs.

An example of this segmented reporting is the cage-free progress from Starbucks, where as of July 2021, the company reported that "100 percent of shell eggs, 99.99 percent of liquid eggs, and 99.3 percent of ingredient eggs in North America company-operated stores are cage-free."

We've made a cage-free commitment. What are the next steps we can take?

On its own, the intent to go cage-free means little without some sort of reporting mechanism in place to offer credibility to the commitment, showing customers that they can trust what a company says.

Beyond establishing credibility, planning and reporting progress is also important for internal progress tracking. Cage-free progress is one of many metrics that demonstrate to executives, shareholders, employees, and partners that the company is on track to meet Corporate Social Responsibility goals — or to offer companies a chance to address slow progress before it leads to any liabilities.

We are well into the cage-free era, and there is a strong precedent for what form these progress roadmaps can take. For more information on what a successful progress roadmap and reporting procedure can look like, click here.